0x1 Finance has Completed Distribution of the First Airdrop

0x1 Finance
1 min readApr 1, 2021


We are happy to announce that we have successfully conducted our airdrop and tested our reflection code. Please check your wallet for the airdropped BIN tokens you have received.

During the airdrop, we faced a little but very strange issue, that the ownership address cannot call for airdrop if it is excluded from receiving reflection fees. It will cause error for which everyone saw 50% less balance. The issue has been fixed in a few minutes after it occurred. We have airdropped extra 131 BIN with originally planned 100 BIN as a compensation for this issue. So total 231 BIN has been airdropped to all of our token holders.

From Q2 onwards we will distribute upto 50% of our collected fee from DEX using this method to all our BIN token holders as airdrop starting at the end of Q2.

Another major update, Thegraph has started supporting BSC node. Now we can host analytics directly using thegraph. Our analytics will be live by next weekend for sure. No more delay.



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